We’re certainly busy! The season has just changed from rainy to dry and for the next 2 months we’ll be working in the shades as the sun can be really ruthless. On the savings side, this month we’re focusing on delivering a first two out of four refreshment trainings on micro-savings to existing groups and start to form new group by the end of the January. On the income generating activity side, Busabulo A saving group is progressing upon finishing their training and we’ll be delivering the full training for Buwebele saving group shortly.
Income generating activity, abbreviate to IGA, covers initiatives as diverse as cooperative undertakings, jobs creation, tailoring circles, youth training groups and small business promotion. The initiatives are aimed to improve economic aspects of people’s lives through developing new skills. In many developing countries people are pushed to find new way of generating income as regular wage-earning jobs are hard to find. To millions of people, activities like breeding chicken, selling vegetables at the market, or producing shawls are the income-generating activity which ensures the household its most essential cash income.
It’s because of this importance, we focus heavily on training and execution of the right IGA for our communities at Communities for Development. As mentioned already the process can be challenging and has a lot of moving parts: from the right training, application of the knowledge to business plan writing to assessment of the market, seeking out agriculture experts for advise and finally execution. We also put an emphasis on the sustainability of IGAs – only when community members have saved a significant amount of capital, we start helping them to develop the micro-enterprise plan. This ensures that the group inputs their own funds into the business which increases the sense of responsibility and accountability. Only then Communities for Development matches the funds required to help kick start it.