On the 8th March, International Women’s Day, I will have the privilege of visiting the women farmers of the Bulambuli region in Uganda with NGO Communities for Development. Inequity and injustice are suffered by women throughout the world and this valley in East Africa is no exception. Cultural tradition often dictates that women should live a life choose by their …
El día de la mujer en Bulambuli
Hoy es 8 de marzo en la región de Bulambuli, en Uganda. La inequidad y la injusticia que sufren las mujeres en todo el mundo se viste con una gruesa capa de normalidad en este valle del este de África. Apelando a la tradición cultural, se justifica que a la mayoría de estas granjeras les toque vivir la vida que …
I am slowly becoming an agriculture expert!
I am slowly becoming an agriculture expert! Expert might be an exaggeration… but I am certainly learning! For someone who grew up in the city and been in the countryside for holidays only, it’s been quite challenging! Living most of the week in the Ugandan village as well as working very closely with communities on agricultural micro-enterprises has shone some …